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Monday, 26 January 2015


Getting rid of whiteheads on face, nose and chin at home

The best effective way to get rid of whiteheads naturally is to learn and follow good skin care practices to prevent whiteheads. And even if whiteheads appear on your skin, do not worry; you can remove whiteheads successfully by following the “How to Get Rid of Whiteheads Fast Home Remedies” tips outlined below:

1. How to prevent whiteheads:

The most effective way to control whiteheads is to prevent whiteheads from occurring. Following are the preventive measures:

2. Wash your hands before you touch your face:

 Do not touch your whiteheads / blackheads / acne. Dirt / Bacteria / Germs on your unwashed hands can aggravate your whiteheads problem. If you must touch your face then wash your hands first thoroughly with antibacterial soap.

3. Keep your face clean: 

Wash your face twice daily, in the morning and at night, with a cleanser to keep your face clean and thus minimizing the chances of oil and dirt building up in your pores. Pat your face to dry, do not rub. Choose a cleanser that has alpha hydroxyl acids or salicylic acid to unclog your pores to ensure that you are less likely to have whiteheads, blackheads and acne (For Acne Read Home Remedies For Acne).

4. Exfoliating / Scrubbing:

 Exfoliate at least once a week. Exfoliating is simply a gentle scrubbing of your skin. Use a facial scrub according to your skin. Exfoliating is a must to get rid of whiteheads, as it helps in removing dead skin cells that clog your pores. To exfoliate your skin more effectively, it is recommended you steam your face before exfoliating to open up your pores. For this follow following steps:

(i) Boil water in a small pan or pot. When the water is boiling, take it off the stove and place it down carefully.

(ii) Sit down on a chair. Place the pan of hot water near your feet. Place a towel over your head, lean over the pan to allow the steam come up to your face. Let it steam for 5-10 minutes. Steaming your face lead to opening up of your pores wider, making it easier for your scrub to clean.

(iii) After exfoliating, rinse your skin / face thoroughly with clean water, use a skin toner to close your pores. Alternatively, wrap cotton cloth around an ice cube and run it over your face to close your pores.

(iv) An alternative to steaming your face is to dip a towel in warm water, squeeze dry, and apply to your face. Repeat it for a few times to make all your face warmed up and let your pores opened up.

(v) If you do not want to use an exfoliating product from the market, you can use oatmeal and curd mix as an effective natural exfoliant.

5. Moisturize:

 Washing and exfoliating are good to keep your face silky and supple. But both can leave your skin dry. Apply moisturizer on your face so that your skin keeps the moisture and does not dry. Dry skin is also susceptible to whiteheads. Applying moisturizer on your face is good irrespective of whatever type of skin you have. We recommend an oil-free moisturizer with salicylic acid.

6. Mask:

 You can use a clay mask. It is helpful in removing most dead skin cells. Alternatively, you can use home-made thick paste of baking soda and water. Apply it over your face, let it dry and thereafter wash your face thoroughly with water.

7. Remove makeup every night:

Makeup clogs your pores and contributes to occurrence of whiteheads / blackheads . Remove makeup with a good cleansing milk or baby oil and wash your face every night before you sleep to let your face skin breathe.

8. Remove whiteheads manually: 

We do not recommend you to remove whiteheads manually; as it can lead to infection and scarring. But if you want to do it follow these steps with care:

(i) Wash your hands with antiseptic soap.

(ii) To remove whiteheads, first you need to open your skin pores. For this wash your face and follow the same directions for steaming your face as mentioned above.

(iii) Before using extractor sanitize it with alcohol, especially the tip that you will use to extract your whiteheads. Position the extractor on the targeted whitehead, squeeze gently until the sebum / whitehead is extracted completely. If the whitehead does not come out easily, do not force it, as it can cause scarring and infection.

(iv) Wash your hands and message your face with ice cubes. This will act as a natural toner and helps prevent infection.

9. Medication:

If after following above skin care tips about how to get rid of whiteheads naturally, you still get them, try Benzoyl peroxide. It effectively kills bacteria and absorbs oil. If you are using it for the first time, try a small quantity first on the affected area. Leave it to dry for 5-10 minutes before moisturizing.  It can cause itching and redness on the first few tries. If the whiteheads do not go away, it means you are allergic to it. In such a case, you visit your dermatologist to check about alternative medication to remove your whiteheads.  

10. Alpha hydroxyl acids, salicylic acid, or benzoyl peroxide:

 Use facial products and cleansers with alpha hydroxyl acids, salicylic acid, or benzoyl peroxide for getting rid of whiteheads.

11. Use water based products instead of oil-based products:

 When choosing your cleansers, moisturizers, makeup and other beauty products do not use oil-based beauty products. They aggravate your acne / whiteheads / blackheads / pimples problems, as they result into oil-buildup. Instead of oil-based, use water based products to remove whiteheads.

12. Natural Beauty Tip: 

Try to avoid too much of makeup, where ever you can. Makeup tends to clog your pores, which is the main cause of whiteheads and acne.

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